In the 2000 American drama-romance film, Pay It Forward, based on the novel of the same name, a seventh-grade teacher challenges his students to change the world. One does by creating an altruistic domino effect called: Pay It Forward. The ultimate lesson is that regardless of how bad your situation is, there is always someone worse off than you.
With this in mind, when Dana Tours paid their staff bonuses over December, the company asked the staff to consider making a donation to a charity, and then Dana Tours would match their contributions. Also, instead of giving gifts to clients and service providers at the end of 2016, Dana Tours also contributed towards this initiative by providing hampers on behalf of its clients.
In total, Dana Tours managed to buy 40 hampers of basic foodstuffs for destitute people. The beneficiaries were all “idosos”, (which in local terms is a person above 55 years of age) except for one man: Bruno Wilson.
Bruno is a young man who works on a boat belonging to a Chinese company that was crossing the Bay at the time the “Mapapai” ferry boat overturned in June.
The Chinese boat went to the rescue of the passengers of the Mapapai who were trapped inside the barquinho (small boat). Bruno was one of the first ones to dive in. He helped several people and was then asked by the Mapapai owner to overturn the barquinho and put it back in its original position. This is when a second barquinho came to the rescue and reached Bruno from behind, cutting open his thigh with its propeller, badly breaking the bone.
Following the incident Bruno was operated on at the Maputo Central Hospital and had a metallic plate put in his leg. And, while he continued to receive his salary from his employer and a once-off small payment for medical care, he could not return to work. He had to commute 2 to 3 times per week across the river to the hospital to have his wound dressed. After 6 months it had still not healed and he was unable to work. Getting across the river from Catembe to Maputo was becoming impossible. And, now with his hospital-issue crutches broken he had no way of moving around.
When Dana tours became aware of Bruno’s predicament, a request was posted on Facebook appealing to people to donate crutches to Bruno.
A couple of days later Bruno received a new pair of crutches and many other people offered to buy crutches or donate to his cause.
News about Bruno’s heroic deed has since been shared widely and he was paid a visit by the Minister of Health along with a delegation of doctors who promised to take care of his medical needs. Above this, he also received a personal call from the President of Mozambique. All of this has made an incredible impact on Bruno’s life and it shows that with just a little help from the community, a huge difference can be made.
For Dana Tours this was a true reflection of how people and communities can come together for a greater cause and to assist those in need of assistance.
In light of this Dana Tours would like to continue with this Pay it Forward initiative and would like to invite interested parties to share their ideas and interest on how to make a difference in the lives of the elderly and those in need in Mozambique. There is always something that money can’t buy, but that people can give….
To get in touch directly with Dana Tours on the Pay it forward initiative click here